"For those who refuse to be pushed around by our culture at any age:
we will not go down quietly or easily!"

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Friday, October 26, 2012

Handling stress

Turn off the news and get outside

During election time people often are "glued" to their TV or computer watching the news about politics, etc.
Here's some real news for you, the government can't fix your life; only you can.
It doesn't matter who gets elected if you still lack discipline in your life, don't exercise or eat a clean diet. You will get fat(ter) or sick unless you do something about it.
So finish your coffee and get out the door and do something physical! Get some real exercise today.
Remember, you are not "entitled" to good health, you have to earn it.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Crazy week

Wow! Things are getting crazy here (in a good way)!
I got a message last night from a long-time friend and mentor of mine, Strongman Bud Jeffries
In 2004 I met several people who I still learn from today. It was the year I discovered a crazy new thing called CrossFit, plus Mike Mahler, Diesel Crew, Zach Even EshSonny Puzikas, and Bud Jeffries.
All of these people greatly altered my view of life and my training.
What a year that was!
I hope to get an interview in with Bud in the next couple of days.
Tomorrow I'll be picking up Sincere Hogan at the airport to kick off a great weekend of training.
There will be numerous updates throughout the weekend as time allows.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Friday, October 19, 2012

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Remember when Boot Camp meant your were in the military?

It seems nowadays that all kinds of people who have never served in the military even one day of their lives are running boot camps.
When someone has been in the military, they know the "real deal" about boot camp.
Anyway, even if you aren't getting up at 0400 to do PT, you can still benefit from some of the old -school training they used.
Let's start out with push-ups and sit-ups:

  • do 20 reps of each before work
  • do this again at lunch
We'll add more soon, so just start with this.
For those of you who think this is hard, you really need it so get it done!
Always keep safety in mind, and if you haven't had a recent physical exam by a real doctor go get one for your good.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Monday's coming, what will you do for your fitness freedom?

Decide now that when you wake up tomorrow, that you will go after life with all you've got!
Most of you grew up knowing what hard work meant, and probably had some really hard jobs along the way.
I sure did, I worked construction, drove trucks, unloaded freight cars, cut trees, and hauled garbage just to name a few of the character-building jobs I had. That doesn't include my time in the military.
Many of the young  guys and gals growing up now could not handle one day of what you did every day for most of your life.
So don't throw  away all that hard-earned toughness because now you think you're entitled to a free ride the rest of your life.
No one is entitled to that!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Call to action

Okay, guys and gals, time to get moving!
Go out and do something physical that will, challenge you today.
I don't mean just walk on a treadmill while you read a book, or ride in a golf cart on the course.
If you're going to use a treadmill, raise the incline and do some and something that makes you sweat like crazy.
How bout carrying your own golf bag and actually walking with it?
Enough for beginner level stuff, I'll have some real workouts for you to do soon.
Come back and be challenged, if you dare.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Why I call this blog Boom(er) This

Prepare for a rant:
I can't stand the words, "senior citizen"!
Don't you dare try to hang that label on me or anyone else.
I refuse to be marginalized by this culture, and so should you.
Another phrase I can't stand is, "senior fitness". What the heck is that?
Does that mean some 20 year old who just his his first "trainer" T-shirt is going to tell you not to lift more than 5lb dumbbells?
Of course, he'll spot you on that "lift".
Now the main one, "baby boomer" , really gags me.
It's simply a marketing term now.
I'll get into "entitlement mentality", "retirement", etc in the future.

Got grey hair, white hair, or no hair? You can still be fit!

If you don't like having labels hung on you due to your age,
then it's time to do something about it, if you have the guts.

That's right, it's time to earn some respect, no one's going to just give it to you!
I'm 62 years young and going strong, thank GOD!
I'll coach you so you can come back strong if you've been out of training, or even if you never have done any.
For those guys & gals who are already training, I'll help you get even more fit.
Make sure you sign up for the Boom(er) This newsletter!